Good morning everyone!
I have been reading a lot of information about owning and running your own business. One tip that is always recommended is getting your LLC. I hear it over and over again and was worried that it would be a really hard and scary thing to do. Well I finally really looked into it and decided to give it a try.
I found a online form through Indiana government sites. I filled it out and surprisingly it was not that confusing to fill out. Just my name, address, and some other info that I knew the answers too! It cost me right around 90 dollars. (I was looking into online companies that were going to charge me 200!)
I submitted the form and figured it would take a few days or weeks knowing government. To my surprise I was almost immediately emailed my confirmation!
I am now officially "The Crafty Tortoise LLC"
Oh... for those of you who don't know LLC means Limited Liability Company and is a must have for any company who sells items.
I urge anyone who can to get your LLC and become legal with me. It was so simple and easy. I wish I would have done it a long time ago!
If you live in Indiana here is a link for you!
Click here to Register your Business!