When I first saw the phrase "Sushi Rug" in an etsy.com alchemy request I was thrown back. I knew that sushi was the new thing, but I would have never guessed that it would be decoration. I had done a few rugs in the past and decided to ponder this and give it a shot. I was super excited when I was met with a buyer who was as excited as me to have her dream rug created. I had a few snags here and there as I created this rug. The center was the toughest part, after I figured that part out the rest was just time consuming. All in all I was super thrilled how this came out.

Made of all cotton fabric in a braided style this rug is almost my favorite creation, but if you would have told me a few months ago that I would be making a sushi rug I would have laughed. Now, I think its the best and most unique rug I have ever made.